
8 rules for herpes singles when dating with a person with genital herpes

If you are dating with a person with genital herpes, you will not want to be given the herpes virus. And you are supposed to be interested in reading the most important 8 rules to protect your partner and yourself when you are dating with a person with genital herpes.

  • Rule 1. Gauge The Relationship

    It's okay to date and not have sex. It's best to get to know the other person and see if you have an intimate mental connection before you have an intimate physical one. It's going to be hard trying to cut through the initial attraction to look for that deeper connection. If it's there, then proceed on.

    Rule 2. Tell Your Partner before Sex

    This is quite possibly the hardest part of dating with an STD. It can be a terrifying situation which can play out one of many ways. Likely your mind will go through each scenario over and over again. However, the worst possibly situation that could occur is them leaving your life. In this case they were not worth your time anyway.
    Internet Sites like Positive Singles or support groups can be great places to meet with other people who already know what you're going through. Going into a date knowing that your partner has that in common with you can take a lot of the stress away. This can cut out Rule 2 all together.

    Rule 3. Your Disease Does Not Define Your Relationship

    This is a very hard thing to get past for newly infected individuals. Sometimes your disease will get in the way of certain intimate moments in your relationship. Don't break down every time this happens. Calmly tell your partner the situation and explain to them that it just can't happen right now. If your partner is smart and cares for you they will understand. Crying, moping, or getting angry only adds fuel to the fire and will often distance your partner from you.

    Rule 4. Practice Safe Sex

    If your partner is not infected or if you just want to be safe. Use a condom and don't have sex during an outbreak. This builds trust between you and your partner. It is also just the smart thing to do.

    Rule 5. Don't be Needy

    Yes you have an incurable disease that will be with you for the rest of your life. If your with a partner who knows that, then there is no reason to use it as a crutch. Put simply, use them being there as your support when you're feeling down. Them being with you is their way of showing they care.

    Rule 6. Get your partner tested regularly

    If you are dating a non-infected individual, it is a good idea to have them tested regularly to make sure you didn't pass your gift along. Usually once or twice a year is enough.

    Rule 7. Be Optimistic

    Nobody likes a Debby Downer. Smile as much as you can and rejoice that you are alive. It is natural to be scared, or angry at your condition. However, these temperaments only serve to your ill. Often a positive attitude will attract other people to you.

    Rule 8. To Be Yourself

    Don't pretend to be something that your not. You are beautiful, and you're alive. Don't lie to your potential partners about who you are. You will just make yourself miserable. 

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